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P.O.C. Project Manager
From 47 700 €/year | Electronics engineer | First experience required
À partir de 47 700 €/an | Ingénieur en électronique | Première expérience requise
Laboratory Operator
23 400€/ year | Bac | First experience required
23 400€/Par an | Bac | Première expérience requise
Laboratory technician
From 24000€/year | Bachelor‘s degree Physical Measurement or Chemistry minimum | First experience required
À partir de 24 000€/an | Bac minimum en Mesures Physiques ou Chimie | Première expérience requise

Answers to our most frequently asked questions

What kind of devices LAYER® can power?

LAYER® can power any type of ultra-low power indoor devices. Devices such as IoTs, wearables and other electronics requesting an ultra-low power might be considered. Our solution can take any shape, even adapting to the smallest imaginable format.

It can be customized for each individual photovoltaic module to respond to a diversity of applications, environmental sensors, remote controls, switches… in various indoor environments.

However, each case is unique, and to provide you with the optimal solution, we need to carefully examine your specific application. Go to our contact page and fill in our form to provide us with the necessary information. Our team will analyze your request and propose the LAYER® module that perfectly meets your energy needs.

Where does Dracula stand in terms of volumes of production ?

Located in Valence, France, our site is home to a fully operational pilot line that can manufacture several million modules per year. We are currently in the process of finalizing our cutting-edge facility, the Green Micropower Factory, dedicated to high-volume production.

This advanced factory will feature a state-of-the-art industrial production line capable of printing several million modules per year.

How much does a LAYER® module cost?

The cost of LAYER® is calculated based on the surface area and shape required to power your device. The total surface area varies depending on the specific characteristics of your device and solution, leading to price variations.

Our team works closely with you to assess your needs and provide a personalized quote based on your specifications.

How does the cost of a LAYER® module compare to batteries?

By opting for LAYER®, our customers achieve long-term savings compared to using traditional batteries.
The cost of accessing our technology is lower than the total expense associated with purchasing and frequently replacing batteries.

Using a module, LAYER® can reduce your Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) by multiple times, while simultaneously reducing your carbon footprint, improving the design of connected devices, and increasing the device’s lifespan.

What is the lifespan of a LAYER®-empowered module?

A LAYER®-empowered module is effective for at least 10 years.

Even after 10 years, our modules remain effective, operating at T-80 (20% efficiency decrease).

How does the integration process work?

The integration process of a LAYER®-powered module is designed to be straightforward. The soldering points on our modules make it easy to integrate them into an electronic circuit.

In addition, there are alternative integration solutions, such as adhesive bonding.

In addition to providing the energy source, Dracula Technologies recommends the inclusion of other components to create an efficient energy harvesting solution. These components include a Power Management Integrated Circuit (PMIC) to effectively manage and deliver the appropriate amount of energy to the sensor.

Additionally, incorporating a storage capacity enables the storage of surplus energy, redirecting it to the sensor during nighttime or energy peak periods.

By incorporating these components, the energy harvesting system can operate optimally, ensuring consistent power supply and efficient utilization of harvested energy.

What kind of devices LAYER® can power?

LAYER® can power any type of ultra-low power indoor devices. Devices such as IoTs, wearables and other electronics requesting an ultra-low power might be considered. Our solution can take any shape, even adapting to the smallest imaginable format. It can be customized for each individual photovoltaic module to respond to a diversity of applications, environmental sensors, remote controls, switches… in various indoor environments.



However, each case is unique, and to provide you with the optimal solution, we need to carefully examine your specific application. Please fill out the “Work with LAYER” (add a link) form now to provide us with the necessary details. Our team will analyze your request and propose the LAYER® module that perfectly meets your energy needs.

Where does Dracula stand in terms of volumes of production ?

Located in Valence, France, our site is home to a fully operational pilot line that can manufacture several million modules per year.

We are currently in the process of finalizing our cutting-edge facility, the Micro Power Factory, dedicated to high-volume production.

This advanced factory will feature a state-of-the-art industrial production line capable of printing several million modules per year.

How much does a LAYER® module cost?

The cost of LAYER® is calculated based on the surface area and shape required to power your IoT in square centimeters. This total surface area varies depending on the specific characteristics of your IoT, leading to price variations.


Our team works closely with you to assess your needs and provide a personalized quote based on your specifications.

How does the cost of a LAYER® module compare to batteries?

By opting for LAYER®, our customers achieve long-term savings compared to using traditional batteries.
The cost of accessing our technology is lower than the total expense associated with purchasing and frequently replacing batteries.


Using a module LAYER® can reduce your Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) multiple times, while simultaneously reducing the carbon footprint, improving the design of connected devices, and increasing product lifespan.

How long does the durability of a LAYER® module last?

A module LAYER® is effective during a lifespan of 10 years.

But, even after 10 years, our modules remain effective, operating at T-80 (20% decrease).

How does the integration process work?

The integration process of a module LAYER® is designed to be straightforward.
The soldering points on our modules make it easy to integrate them into an electronic circuit.
In addition, there are also alternative integration solutions, such as adhesive bonding.

In addition to providing the energy source, Dracula Technologies recommends the inclusion of other components to create an efficient energy harvesting solution.

These components include a Power Management Integrated Circuit (PMIC) to effectively manage and deliver the appropriate amount of energy to the sensor.


Additionally, incorporating a storage capacity enables the storage of surplus energy, redirecting it to the sensor during nighttime or energy peak periods.

By incorporating these components, the energy harvesting system can operate optimally, ensuring consistent power supply and efficient utilization of harvested energy.

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LAYER® just even got better!

Take a look at an OPV module that gives 15% more energy output thanks to its optimal design.

  • Ultra-thin 1mm silver conductors made possible with precision printing.
  • Reduced size, same power, lower costs.
  • Refined aesthetics – a sleek, high-quality top layer for a premium look.


Get all the details in our latest press release!