Dracula sucks light out of dark – passive IoT will drive massive IoT, claims LoRa crowd

Dracula sucks light out of dark – passive IoT will drive massive IoT, claims LoRa crowd

Dracula Technologies featured in RCRWireless

Dracula Technologies has developed a tracker that runs on an organic photovoltaic (OPV) solar cell – which can be printed in any size, depending on the required power output, onto an 0.3mm adhesive sticker on a regular inkjet printer using special OPV ink. The OPV LoRaWAN unit – which uses a reference module from Semtech and a cloud stack from TTI, and engineering knowhow from some unnamed French manufacturer – works in low light in dark rooms.

RCRWireless, James Blackman (September 22, 2023)
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