Dracula Technologies continues to redefine energy harvesting

Reading time : 1 min | 07/04/2023
Dracula LAYER

Dracula Technologies featured in Electronic Specifier

LAYER is compatible with a wide range of communications protocols. Applications range from Smart Building, Smart Home, and Connected Supermarkets to Industry 4.0 and Autonomous Vehicles. Product developer designers can order demokits to build prototypes or contact the LAYER® Solutions division which is available to help them design an autonomous application, and assist them in implementing, delivering, and supporting the final product.

Electronic Specifier, Paige West (June 21, 2023)
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LAYER® just even got better!

Take a look at an OPV module that gives 15% more energy output thanks to its optimal design.

  • Ultra-thin 1mm silver conductors made possible with precision printing.
  • Reduced size, same power, lower costs.
  • Refined aesthetics – a sleek, high-quality top layer for a premium look.


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