🟢 Webinar Alert | The Future of Wireless, Battery-Free Solutions with Low-Light Organic PV!
Explore the frontier of sustainable energy with Dracula Technologies.
Our shop offers innovative photovoltaic solutions designed to power your IoT devices efficiently and eco-consciously.
Our standard Demokit 6 powers low-power consumption applications in indoor or mixed environments such as offices, homes, and warehouses. The photovoltaic module generates up to 2.94V, 49µA, and 144µW under 200 lux, making it ideal for powering sensors, remote controls, trackers, and smart devices. For optimal performance, ensure that testing is done on the correct side, with the connectors facing away from the light.
Buy now for 34€ + Shipping cost
Explore our evaluation kit, featuring an organic photovoltaic module (Demokit 6) and a PMIC (AEM10941) that regulates and optimizes energy harvesting, providing stable power and extended device autonomy with a built-in voltage boost. Ideal for sensors, trackers, and electronic labels in low-light environments. For optimal results, test on the correct side, with the connectors facing away from the light.
Buy now for 84€ + Shipping cost
Take a look at an OPV module that gives 15% more energy output thanks to its optimal design.
Get all the details in our latest press release!